Maximum Performance – The Formula

Maximum Performance – The Formula


By: Geoff Hampton


Being the best in whatever you do is what maximum performance is all about. But being the best rarely occurs as an unplanned spontaneous event. And simply wishing for it lacks any real potential for fulfillment. Being the best requires vision and desire, which are the primary ingredients for potential. And potential becomes reality when it is supported by consistent, motivated, goal-based performance, along with strong coaching.

Prepare your brain

Being the best begins at the start of every day. It means rising early and getting your body and mind in gear. Early morning is when the brain is prepared to operate at its maximum efficiency. It has not yet been clouded by events that evolve during the course of the day and, unless the person has been consumed by worries during the night, the brain is ready to deliver to the best of its capabilities.

Three things that can help the brain to be its best are allowing for some type of "quiet time" devoted to reflection or creativity, followed by physical exercise and then proper nutrition. No matter how motivated an individual is their potential for maximum performance, ability to attain goals and exceed expectations will always be enhanced through exercise of the body and clarity of the brain accompanied by proper nutrition.

Potential clients are always more likely to listen to someone who is motivated and fit. The positive impact of a healthy lifestyle are unfortunately sold short in the business world. True emotional selling comes from an individual's self concept projected to the potential customer. The self concept is exemplified by appearance, motivation and demeanor.

Pursue integrity with vigor

An individual who wants to be the best needs to be an evangelist for integrity. Whenever a potential customer has a question and is answered with ambiguity, or even worse, half-truths or false information, it is an unacceptable disgrace. Maximum performance must never include deception.

Rely on goals

Another essential component to being the best is to review your goals daily and focus on strategies to enhance performance. All goals should be written down in order to make them visual. The adage, "Anything the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve" is true.

Setting and attaining goals is related to commitment. For someone to consistently attain and/or exceed their goals, they must be motivated from their heart as well as their brain. True success is more emotional than cerebral. The brain must believe that the individual can attain the goals, which is cerebral, but the actual attainment of the goals comes from an emotional commitment that will not allow for failure.

"Motivation originates in the heart. It is the combustible component that awakens the mind to see the things that really can be. It overrides the humanistic tendency to fall prey to those who are blinded by their own fears, tunnel vision or arrogance and therefore will never see the possibilities that really do exist." Geoff Hampton

Too many lightly dismiss failure to attain their goals as no big deal. They say, "I'll do better next time!" which is the right cerebral commitment, but it also accepts the failure to attain the goals and sets the failure cycle in motion. The failure cycle is easy to recognize. The "I'll do better next time!" statement is repeated for a period of time until it becomes distinguishably distasteful, and the terminal disease of negativity begins to reveal itself to the individual and their coach.

Evaluate performance

The job of the business coach is to get the individual and the team on target at the beginning of the goal cycle and inspire them to stay on or ahead of target throughout the goal period. Failure to attain set goals is thus a mutually shared burden. Performance must be evaluated daily both by the individual through self-examination and by the coach to identify positive and negative trends and modify the methodology accordingly.

Bench Mark Performance Expectations

The daily quest for maximum performance requires that your job performance be measured by reasonable bench mark performance standards. In the absence of performance bench mark standards daily task execution becomes mundane and simply duplicates itself day after day based on the conditions of the moment.

Examples of bench mark performance expectations

Most established industry bench mark performance expectations in the industry are rooted in the sale of memberships. Sadly, many clubs don’t even bench mark there! However, recognized performance expectations in sales should be as follows:

Incoming membership telephone inquiries to appointments: 80%

Most clubs simply give prices over the phone and through unrealistic false assumptions imagine this to be the best way to handle that caller. It is not. This is easily quantifiable for those who wish to know the truth and may not know the truth about this issue.

Appointments to show: 70%

If you don’t book appointments, then this point is moot.

First time closing (the first time a prospect comes into the facility to inquire about joining): 70%

If you don’t track performance, then its time to start. Without high pressure and through strong personal connection with the prospect this bench mark performance standard is not difficult to attain and sustain.

New member to personal training: 30%

This is a process whereby most clubs have no idea how to structure. The single most important offering for any non-regular exerciser is a continuum of personal training. If you are a non-believer in this issue, then simply take a look at new member utilization rates over the first 90 days of membership. Be sure to exclude already regular exercisers. If you have a real interest (not “lip service” level interest) in customer satisfaction, this where the truth trumps imagination.

That is the membership sales overview for standardized bench mark performance expectations

Every department should have bench mark performance expectations established and followed through on. Here is a simple personal training bench mark performance expectation that will help drive maximum success for your business and your clients:

Fitness Orientation (assessment or whatever you call new member assessments) to clients: 30%

Most personal trainers and/or floor staff in the fitness area are ever educated, motivated or led into how to create a personal training client from a fitness assessment. Take a reality check here. See how many new members took a fitness assessment and then review their club usage for ninety-days. You will probably be shocked at how few continue to exercise. Why? Because inactivity is a long-term behavior and a one, two or three time meeting with a fitness professional does not even begin to reform that behavior.

Leadership At All Times

This is a rarely embraced concept that is one of the foundational principles in the quest for maximum success attainment and sustainment. Every minute of every day there are leadership opportunities. “Leadership” is commonly mistaken as a concept that should only be expected from team leadership personnel. Nothing could be further from the truth and no concept is more detrimental to maximum performance than the shirking of leadership by any personnel in any situation.

What is “leadership at all times”? It is a cultural development attitude of proaction and situation resolution without hesitation. The best way to begin establishing this concept is a “leadership development team” that is coached for a 12 week period in all departments and how they are supposed to perform and what is expected in daily performance. This group begins demonstrating a leadership attitude. Recruit a new group every twelve weeks. You will see your performance increase dramatically. You will also begin to see who is simply at your business because “they need a job” and those who are on your team because they want to be the best!

“All managers are not leaders. All leaders are not managers. Sooner or later all leaders become managers. Then the newly appointed leader must nurture that same concept in subordinates.”

Geoff Hampton

Maximum success can only occur when all of these ingredients are in place and the coach, the individual and the team work together effectively as a team with one goal in TRULY be the best. How does when measure “The best”. Simple. Performance that exceeds all previous imagined levels of success. One may think he or she is successful, but that proclamation may lack information that has yet to be attained. Want to be the best? Learn more about what maximum performance really is. It Is NOT without motivation, goals, performance bench mark expectations or leadership.

Geoff Hampton - Internationally known author, speaker, motivator and business consultant. 


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