The Not Yet Fit - Predators Delight

COVID-19 has delivered the strongest message yet about the dire need for not yet fit individuals to exercise more and eat healthier. Our industry has maintained a desire to educate, motivate and lead these folks to a healthier lifestyle, but have barely mad a dent in this at risk population. Our focus clearly needs to be to create healthy, long-term lifestyle choices that will help prevent catastrophic illness, conditions and even premature death. In addition to COVID-19, there is a continuing global pandemic of ill-health directly related lack of exercise and poor nutritional habits. The fitness industry MUST lead the way. What is needed for the "not yet fit" is simple. They need realistic behavior modification including exercise and healthier dietary choices. But, what do they get? In far too many instances they get what could be construed through simple logic as a predatory frenzy of supposed successful choices of potential change based on low price. "There is hardl...